New: Seobility Keyword Research Tool

keyword research tool

We’re happy to introduce a new tool today that has probably been the most requested Seobility feature ever: our brand-new free Keyword Research Tool!

As with all of our tools and features, our main goal was to develop a tool that’s easy to use and offers many helpful features. Keep reading to learn more about the different features and how you can use them for researching keywords!

Table of Content

Overview of the Keyword Research Tool

You can find the Keyword Research Tool in the list of tools in your Seobility dashboard:

tools for single page checks

Or you can just save the link as a bookmark: Free Keyword Research Tool from Seobility

On the tool page, you can choose from three types of analyses to search for relevant keywords:

  • Related keywords: This section lets you search for similar keywords related to your focus keyword in order to discover new content ideas.
  • URL/Domain: Analyze any URL or domain to find its best traffic sources.
  • Competitor analysis: Compare your own domain with up to two competitors to identify keywords that your competitors are ranking for but you are not, and more.

In the next sections, you’ll learn how to use each of these analyses and how they can benefit your keyword research!

Note: The Keyword Research Tool is still in open beta. Your feedback and suggestions for improvements are much appreciated – just send an email to or let us know in the comments below!

Related keywords

This section lets your search for similar keywords related to your focus keyword. This research option is perfect if you’re looking for new content ideas around your core topic while considering a wide range of sources.

Just enter your keyword and change the country version of Google as required.

enter keywords

Next, click the “Keyword Research” button. Within a few seconds, you’ll receive a high number of keyword ideas from various categories, including:

Similar keywords directly related to the keyword you entered:

similar keywords

Questions related to the keyword that are frequently asked by search engine users:

questions related to the keyword

Related searches that Google displays in its search results:

related searches

Autocomplete searches suggested by Google as the term is being typed in:

auto complete searches

Related terms from the same broad category as the keyword entered (these keywords don’t have to be directly connected to the entered term):

related terms

In addition, you can use multiple sorting and filter options to narrow down the high number of keyword ideas as you wish. For example, you can explicitly search for keywords with high search volume and low competition to isolate the most promising keywords.

filter options

Another approach could be to search for short- and long-tail keywords by setting the number of words. Or you can use the “Exclude keywords” tab to specify terms that are not relevant to your website and should not be included in the results. Etc., etc., etc. … As you can see, there are multiple ways of refining your results!

Another useful feature: you can check Google’s top 10 results for each keyword without leaving the tool:

Google top 10 organic rankings

Here, you will also find important details such as the estimated monthly traffic of each URL, its domain rating, and the number of backlinks or referring domains. This will make it easier for you to assess the difficulty of achieving a top 10 ranking for the given keyword.

By ticking the box in the last column, you can select individual keywords from the list and export them as CSV or add them to your Ranking Monitoring Dashboard in Seobility.

how to add keywords to your Seobility project


In the second section of the Keyword Research Tool, you can enter any URL or domain name to identify the keywords that this URL is ranking for on Google (in both organic and paid search results). This analysis lets you find your competitors’ top traffic sources which you can then add to your own keyword set.

(Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of all the search terms that a website is ranking for. We focus on the most important traffic sources here, so long-tail keywords may be underrepresented.)

domain analysis

For each keyword, you’ll be shown the domain’s ranking along with the estimated monthly traffic that this keyword drives to the website. As in the “Related keywords” section, you also have several filter options, which you can use to search for keywords that drive a lot of traffic to a competitor’s site, for example.

how to isolate keywords with the highest traffic

As in the first section, you can also analyze Google’s top 10 for each keyword and easily add your preferred keywords to your Seobility project.

Competitor analysis

Besides searching for keywords using a focus keyword or a domain name, the Keyword Research Tool also lets you do a detailed competitor analysis. This way, you can compare your site’s organic and paid rankings with up to two competitors. Just enter your own domain name and add your competitors as “Domain A” and “Domain B”.

competitor analysis

You also have to choose the type of analysis – Gap or Intersections.

The Gap analysis will list all the keywords that your competitors are ranking for but you are not. This type of analysis is great for discovering untapped ranking opportunities for your website.

Gap analysis of keywords

When choosing intersections analysis, you’ll get an overview of all the keywords that each of the domains entered is ranking for. This will show you where you’re already ahead of your competitors and where there might be room for improvement.

Using various filter options, you can again narrow down the results and quickly add your keyword set to your Seobility project.

How to get the most from the Keyword Research Tool

Whether you’re working on a content plan for your website or just looking for topic ideas – the Keyword Research Tool is perfect for finding attractive keywords to target with new or existing content on your website.

Using the search for related keywords, you can quickly create a broad and diverse keyword set. Then, you can complement this list with your competitors’ traffic sources, which you can find using the URL/Domain search and the Competitor Analysis. After that, you should take a close look at the keywords’ traffic potential and competition and then pick the most promising ones for your website.

We will provide you with a detailed Keyword Research Guide here on our blog soon. In this guide, we’ll explain step by step how to research and analyze keywords, how to optimize your content, and how Seobility helps you with each task. Follow us on our Social Media Channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin) or keep an eye on your Seobility notifications, so you won’t miss it!

Over to you – test the tool and share your feedback with us!

We hope you’ll find the Keyword Research Tool useful and that it will become a constant part of your keyword research process!
You can try out the tool here: Free Keyword Research Tool from Seobility

As mentioned before, the tool is still in open beta. So if you encounter any issues or if you have ideas for improvements, we would be more than happy to hear about them! Also, if you have any questions about the tool, our support team will be happy to help:

Have fun playing around with the tool!

PS: Get blog updates straight to your inbox!


The Seobility team supports you gladly with any questions regarding Seobility and the search engine optimization of your website!