Nine tactics to improve your PPC campaign performance in 2020

Over the past few years, PPC or Pay-per-click advertising has turned out to be a promising online advertising solution for businesses of all types. 

In the digital era, this type of advertising has a significant impact on the success of an online business. Not only PPC ads improve your brand awareness, but they also boost sales. Even Google confirms that search ads can raise brand awareness by 80%.

If you’re responsible for the success of PPC campaigns with an organization, but not getting enough out of this advertising platform, this post is for you. 

We will be sharing a few fantastic tips that will significantly improve the performance of your campaign, but before that, let’s have a quick look at what precisely a PPC is. If you already know, you can skip this section. 

Unlike most online advertising platforms, PPC is known to provide better control over your advertising costs as it enables you to analyze your ad performance in real-time.

Nine tactics to supercharge your PPC campaign performance

1. Have a well-defined goal

Until you have a clear and measurable goal, you can’t optimize your PPC campaign appropriately. Remember, your goal is the baseline of your optimization process. If you don’t have a proper road map to follow, you won’t reach anywhere. First of all, you need to determine what you want to achieve from your paid search ads. Depending on your business needs, your goal could be:

  • Getting traffic to your website
  • Improving sales
  • Getting subscribers or downloads

Always set clear and realistic goals. They should inspire your entire team to work toward the accomplishment of your company’s goals.


2. Use the high-performance keyword

In any PPC campaign, it is crucial to choose the right keywords. Although Google provides you with a tool to create a keyword list based on your website analysis, to ensure the success of your campaign, you must choose the keywords that have a high CTR.

Check the performance of keywords before including them into your ad copy. Choose the ones with supreme performance.

If your audience resides in a different geographical location, it is advisable to use a VPN service to find out which keywords are ranking on their territory. A VPN can help you adopt an IP address of a specific location and surf the internet like a local. Though there are plenty of VPN options available, choose it wisely as not all are the same in terms of quality. You may read the Kodi review if you want to invest in an affordable VPN service.

3. Optimize the quality of keyword (keyword score)

One of the primary reasons most PPC campaigns don’t get the desired One of the primary reasons most PPC campaigns don’t get the desired results is, they have too many keywords. According to the Digital Marketing Institute, an average PPC campaign produces all of its sales from only 12% of its keywords. So, avoid keyword overloading. Instead, your aim should be improving the keyword quality score. Three of the primary factors that determine the quality of your keywords include:

  • The relevancy of your keywords to your ad copy
  • Click-through rate (CTR)
  • Landing page experience

Here are some tips to improve the quality score of your keywords

  • First of all, check out whether or not your ad copy is properly lined up with the search objective of your keyword. You should focus on creating headlines that are relevant and can hit the pain points of your target audience.
  • Figure out the number of clicks your selected keywords receive. Keywords with high CTR will help you generate traffic, which can improve your conversion rates.
  • You can use DTR (Dynamic text replacement) feature to match your ad’s keyword with the content of your landing page. It will help you show personalized content to your audience for each ad.

4. Create a list of negative keywords

Negative keywords can save your campaign budget to a large extent as it prevents your ads from being triggered by inappropriate searches. These keywords help you avoid undesired traffic hitting your bank. For instance, if you deal with iPhone only, but your ads are being displayed to iPod, iWatch, and more that you can add those keywords into your negative keyword list.

5. Write engaging ad copy

Ad copy plays a significant role in determining the success of your campaign. So, put all your efforts into making engaging ads. 

Check out some quick tips to write outstanding PPC ads:

  • Since you’re restricted with a character limit, you need to write convincing ad copy while staying in the character limit. Your ad copy should clearly state about your USP and why people should choose you over your competitors
  • Try to be as relevant as possible. As mentioned above, line up all your ads with their respective landing pages and keywords
  • Create attention-grabbing headlines
  • Don’t forget to add a compelling call-to-action
  • Consider using power words such as Instant, Hurry, Exclusive, Free, Today Only, and more

6. Utilize remarketing

A high bounce rate is a common scene in PPC marketing. Well, remarketing is an ideal way to capture those missed opportunities. You can use it re-capture the attention of prospects who are still in the awareness phase. Remarketing enables you to show targeted ads to users who have already viewed your products or services. There are plenty of ways you can boost the performance of remarketing to increase your conversion rates and return on investment. For example, you can try out different lead magnets, work with famous influencers in your specific niche, and more. 

7. Use ad extensions

Add extensions are an ideal way to disclose extra information about your product or service. There are two types of ad extensions: 1. Manual Ad extension and 2. Automatic Ad extension

A manual ad extension is a customizable extension that further has many extension types such as site link, location, call, review, call out, etc. On the other hand, automatic ad extension works automatically. Similar to manual ad extension, it also has several types such as customer rating, the previous visit, dynamic site link, and more.

8. Optimize your campaigns for mobile users

Today, when around 45.12% of the global population uses a smartphone, you can’t neglect mobile users when creating your PPC campaign. Make sure your landing pages are mobile-friendly so that you can get the maximum benefit out of your campaign. Give more attention to short-tail keywords as mobile users do not prefer to type in long search queries. You should also look for ways to reduce typing.

9. Keep track of your PPC campaign

To ensure the success of your campaign, you need to monitor it regularly. Some new marketers don’t spend adequate time to trace their campaign, which is another primary reason some PPC campaigns fail. 

Don’t overlook the importance of constant monitoring as it will help you gain valuable insights into the performance of your campaign. If you’re using Google Ads, Google analytics should be a convenient tool for you. 

However, if you want to improve its efficiency, you can invest in an automation solution that is capable of offering closed-loop reporting. If you can automate your Google Ads reporting, you can quickly find out crucial information that you can use to create robust marketing strategies and enhance the performance of the PPC campaign. 

No matter what the shape and size of your business is, PPC advertising can help you gain higher visibility on search engines and boost conversion. However, to ensure your campaign is working as per the plan, you need to follow specific steps. In this post, we made you familiar with expert tips that will surely take your marketing campaign to the next level. 

Share your thoughts and questions in the comments below.

Roman Daneghyan is a social media marketing, content marketing, link building, and SEO specialist. He has been featured on Forbes, CrazyEgg, and Upwork. Roman can be found on Twitter .

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