Six ways to guide marketing in the post-pandemic world

  • 30-second summary: A current survey by UNCTAD reveals customer habits will not change after the pandemic.
  • COVID-19 pandemic has actually accelerated the digitalization of businesses by a number of years.
  • AI authors can enable business to curate quality material within a brief time.
  • Innovative virtual conferences will get the attention of millions even after the pandemic.
  • Companies should profit from the rise of social networks use that has actually taken place in the previous couple of months
  • Small companies need to target ultra-niche keywords to endure the difficult competition.

If there is one lesson we can take from 2020, it’s that life is certainly unforeseeable. This hasn’t been an easy year for services. The pandemic brought with it severe modifications in consumer habits, extraordinary federal government constraints, and a total hostile financial environment.

If you handled to survive this crisis, pat yourself on the back. You managed to brave what was an unmatched crisis.

So what’s next?

Marketing after the pandemic

According to Mckinsey, the rate at which services have adopted emerging technologies has actually been accelerated by years due to the pandemic. More people now shop through ecommerce stores and communicate with their pals through video conferencing than ever before.

And surprisingly, this won’t change as soon as the infection is beat. The COVID-19 pandemic has actually changed client behavior permanently for some consumers according to a current study by UNCTAD. However, there will still be those who will return to their previous methods without losing a 2nd.

Here’s how you can guide marketing in such a complicated environment:

1. Utilize synthetically intelligent writers

Among all the huge stories this year, the news of an algorithm unlocking the capability to use and understand human language almost got lost. But it’s a massive development nevertheless and one that can be important in handling the content marketing requirements of 2021.

Wall Street Journal reports that the GPT-3 maker learning design can write memos, posts, and even narratives much like human authors.

Moving forward, AI writing tools would be a lot more efficient than the ones offered right now. Content online marketers would be able to simplify material and create quality blog posts within a brief time.

This advancement may appear a bit scary for writers such as me. There’s no need to be alarmed. Past AI patterns reveal that algorithms do not necessarily change humans however alter their tasks to a fantastic degree. The AI-generated material will need some editing and this is where we will can be found in.

2. Arrange VR-enabled seminars

Life has actually moved online due to the pandemic. Millions are working from home, doing grocery shopping online and whole conferences are being organized essentially.

Most virtual conferences are happening on Zoom with participants speaking from tiny boxes with their bookcases noticeable in the background. Some organizers have taken things an action further. HTC, the company behind VIVE headsets streamed its community conference in virtual truth this year.

The visitor speakers dawned custom avatars to share their thoughts. A custom-made virtual place was developed just for this conference and more than a million saw the tuned-in to enjoy the extravaganza.

VIVE’s virtual conference was a shocking success and something that ought to influence online marketers to take VR a lot more seriously. There will be countless conventional conferences after the pandemic. Virtual Reality will be the perfect tool in assisting you stick out.

3. Reinvest in social networks

Social network use jumped considerably throughout the pandemic. Not only consumers however services have actually ended up being more active on social networks. This implies there are not just business-to-customers however business-to-business chances on these platforms too.

Also, brand names require to engage social networks influencers who, despite all odds, have actually made it through the lockdowns. These influencers have proven themselves to be incredibly durable. They are now even more vital to organization due to the surge in online shopping.

Organizations belonging to different specific niches can partner with these individuals to get their word out. In a current study, 40% of customers said they acquired an item after an influencer suggested it to them. If you’re somebody who hasn’t invested in experienced social networks strategists so far, you need to reevaluate.

4. Gamification galore

As we head towards a new year, the cookie-cutter user experience might not cut it any longer. Client expectations have increased tremendously and it’s time for you to provide.

Gamification could be the perfect answer to those who demand more than simply a seamless site experience. It takes advantage of the inherent human love for taking part in an enjoyable activity and being rewarded for it.

Possibly the most significant thing you can gain out of gamification is getting your visitors registered for the company’s newsletter. One way to do that is by putting an enjoyable and appealing quiz on your most gone to page and asking the responders to sign up prior to showing the results.

Some brand names take their gamification to a whole new level by developing whole apps around their niches. Fitness brands, for example, develop smartphone applications to keep their consumers motivated through a series of obstacles.

5. Target long-tail and ultra-niche keywords

No matter the number of technologies you incorporate, you will always need SEO. There’s just no digital marketing without it. Premium content combined with some old-school seo would still be critical in the coming year.

In recent months, big corporations have invested heavily in their digital channels as consumers are progressively shopping online. This indicates small companies, in specific, would have to step up their SEO video game and target ultra-niche and long-tail keywords. The material here would need to be more innovative and interesting than your typical listicles and guides.

If you’re a startup looking to go huge, think beyond the “7 Effective Ways to Fix Your Refrigerator” and “Ultimate Guide to Online Shopping”. It’s time to really go into your niche and find precisely what customers are browsing while remembering that you likewise need copywriting to sell.

6. Give back to the community

It’s been a tough year for practically everybody. A variety of people have actually lost their jobs due to the pandemic, this includes your customers too. Assisting your consumer in whatever little method you can go a long way in establishing a strong customer-company bond.

You can take part in programs that will help individuals to get back on their feet after the pandemic or take an initiative yourself to money small businesses that have suffered in previous months.

Gestures such as these will not just assist those who require a hand however also demonstrate your commitment to the neighborhood.


With an effective post-pandemic technique, you won’t just return on track however have a clear advantage over competitors. Build on the lessons you have discovered in the past months and be open for changes that may occur.

It’s hard to precisely predict how consumers will behave in 2021. If previous patterns are any indicator, digitization will stay the crucial going forward. AI and VR will play a bigger function in marketing but traditional approaches will have their worth too.

When the pandemic is over, keep your focus on how client priorities shape. At the end of the day, it’s all about them and what they expect from your brand name.