Template #1: The How-to Video
The How-to Video is just like it sounds…
It’s a video that shows someone how to do something, like bake a cake or do a pushup.
For many businesses, how-to videos will be your bread-and-butter. In fact, how-to videos are like a video version of blog content. They’re not designed to convert people right then and there.
But how-to videos ARE great for getting your brand in front of potential customers. So, along with product demos, I recommend using them in your video marketing.
Here’s the template:
Let’s break each element down.
Intro=Video Preview
The main goal of your preview is to let your viewer know they’re in the right place.
In other words:
There’s no need to tell people why your topic is important. If they landed on your video, they already know it’s important.
This is a mistake I made a lot with my early videos.
Instead of jumping right into the content, I’d go into a long backstory.
Spoiler alert: people HATED these intros. And they clicked away.
(Not to mention the fact that, again, I really needed a haircut. 🙂 )
Today, my intros are short, sweet and to-the-point.
Which has dramatically improved my average Audience Retention.

Steps or Tips
Now it’s time for the meat of your content.
Depending on your video, you may outline a series of steps. Or give people a list of tips.
For example, this video from my channel lists out a series of 9 traffic strategies.
On the other hand, this video outlines a specific step-by-step process.
If you watch those videos, you’ll notice that the structure is basically the same.
The only difference is that the steps are in a particular order. While the strategies can be in pretty much any order.
That said, there’s one BIG thing to keep in mind with this section of your how-to video:
Keep things moving.
In other words: there’s no need to cover everything there is to know about a step or tip. Yes, you should cover each step in-depth. But as soon as you’ve covered the basics, it’s time for the next step.
Well, it’s no secret that people online have super short attention spans. And if you go on and on about the same topic, you’re gonna lose your viewer’s attention.
For example, I used to spend 2-3 minutes on a single step or tip.
And people got REALLY bored.
Today, I spend about 30-60 seconds per tip. And then move right into the next thing I want to cover.
That way, my video content moves fast… which keeps people engaged.
Wrapping Up
Now that you covered your last step, what’s next?
Well, I don’t recommend ending your video out of nowhere. That’s super jarring.
Instead, you want to quickly cover 3 main things in your video conclusion:
- A quick recap
- Examples
- Next steps
For example, in this video, I recap things with:

Note that I don’t repeat the same tips they just heard about.
Instead, I quickly outline what they learned… and start to transition into the end of the video.
And if you have any more examples of how this process helped you, a customer or a friend, mention them here. You probably already mentioned a few examples in the steps section of your video. But feel free to add one more here.
This final example gives people motivation to take action on what they just learned.
Finally, let people know the next steps.
If they’re watching your video on YouTube, it might be to subscribe to your channel.
If you’re hosting your video on your own website, you might ask them to subscribe to your newsletter.
Either way, make sure to cap off your video with a clear set of next steps.
Here’s an example: